Academic » Academic Placement

Academic Placement

Marina works hard to do an efficient job of assigning students to classes. However, not all class assignments can be settled on the first day of school, as explained below.

During the first few weeks of school in the Fall, a student's class schedule may change if they are reassigned to a different class or teacher. The challenges of student scheduling and academic placement are working hard to ensure every student is placed into the appropriate classes as quickly as possible.

Our counseling team works diligently to review important information such as report card data, test score information, and elective preference to assist in placing students in the correct line of classes. 

Some factors that affect placement

  • Grade level
  • Marine Science Program vs. Magnet Program
  • Honors
  • Gifted
  • English Learners
  • Special Education
  • Elective preferences
  • Class size balance
  • Number of teachers

What should parents do?

  • Review your child's class assignments.
  • Let the school know of any obvious mistakes.
  • Be patient--our staff works out each individual student's class placements.
  • Understand that not every student can have their first choice of elective.
  • Help students understand the system.
Ms. Douglas Magnet/AVID Coordinator
Ms. L. Escajeda TSP Coordinator